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Anti-Torture Day Observation Program

26TH JUNE, 2013 (Wednesday), Indian Social Institute, New Delhi

Dear Friends,

You are cordially invited to attend International Anti-Torture Day Observation Program jointly organised by MASUM, Human Rights Law Network (HRLN), Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), South Asia Forum for the Human Rights (SAFHR), Hazards Centre, Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association (JTSA), People’s Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL), Delhi, National Confederation of Human Rights Organisations (NCHRO) and All India Christian Council (AICC). Agenda of the Meeting is as under:

9.30 – 10.00 – Registration & Tea

10.00 – 10.20 – Inaugural Speech by Justice Malay Sengupta (Ex Chief Justice- Sikkim High Court)


Victims’ sharing

Torture, International Law : India
Ms. Meenakshi Ganguly, Human Rights Watch

Torture: Role of NHRC
Mr. Satyabrata Pal, Member NHRC

Torture, Extra Judicial Killings at West Bengal – Bangladesh border – a case study
Mr. Colin Gonsalves- HRLN

Torture and Police Reform
Ms. Maja Daruwala CHRI

Indian State: Torture having communal overtone
Dr. Manisha Sethi, JTSA

Torture at Indo- Bangladesh border- Impunity continued
Mr. Kirity Roy, MASUM

Torture: Unbridled, continued
Mr. N D Pancholi, PUCL

Torture & ill treatment: Bangladeshi migrants
Mr. Dunu Roy

Migration and despair
Mr. Tapan Bose, SAFHR

Torture: Role of mediaMr. John Dayal (AICC)VOTE OF THANKS Working Lunch

For further details, contact: Mahtab Alam at +91-9811209345
