
Palash Biswas
Dr. Anand Teltumbde wrote:

“I got on whatsup morphed images of US Today and Guardian saying Obama along with family embraced Buddhism influenced by Ambedkar! I don't understand why our fellows have to indulge into such things. It smacks of the innate slavish mentality of Dalits to identify with the moneyed and powerful and in corollary undermine common people. What otherwise they have got to do with Obama? They will not identify with Blacks but jump on to identify Obama... they will take pride in someone becoming minister, big officer (sahib syndrome, as I had called this long ago) and rather hate their own people on pavement!! “

 Why should we be proud of Obama and invoke Gautama Buddha to celebrate a false propaganda that Obama along with family embraced Buddhism influenced by Ambedkar!
Teltumbde says, it smacks of the innate slavish mentality of Dalits to identify with the moneyed and powerful and in corollary undermine common people. What otherwise they have got to do with Obama? I agree and stand with him. 

Dearest friend Dr Teltumde! With due respect, I have to make your thought public and I hope that it is my right as you do endorse my response in this ridiculous episode. We know how Obama, the first black untouchable President of United States disappointed all of us worldwide who supported him and his rise seemed to be the dream of Martin Luther King. But as the President of United States of America he served the interests of the Zionist global order overtaken by neo Nazis which has launched monopolistic aggression against the humanity and Nature and intensified war and civil war as dictated by global war economy. He could not bail out US out of Middle East and rather shifted the war zone right

into our heart.
Specifically, Obama administration aligned with global Hindutva to exploit Indian resources and Indian people. Washington had been handling the remote control to kill Indian constitution and Indian Republic and Indian democracy to serve US interests and intensified the economic ethnic cleansing during his twin tenure. We know how Washington planted colonial super slaves in Indian State Power and made it declare non-stop war against the people of India. So much so that Obama administration is overtaken by global Hindutva to reintroduce Neo Nazi Manusmriti regime in India which has singularagenda of depopulation and demographic readjustment of the deprived and depressed classes in India.
The excluded communities, the majority in India must understand how Obama dismissed its own puppet Dr Man Mohan Singh and made yet another Hindu super king, a supreme dictator fascist who allows no public hearing with his expertise in genocide.
Mr Obama has made the depressed classes the victims of the world on fire where only purchasing power is the only survival kit which majority of Indian people does not have.
Moreover, the way he opted for dismissing Gujarat Genocide case to welcome ex Gujarat Chief Minister elevated to Prime minister who had been most unwanted in United States of India. This turnaround exposes the whiteness of his black skin which suits better blatant apartheid the supreme characteristics of Indian Caste system which is the supreme cause of agrarian disaster and the suffering of identity ridden Indian people. Not only, agrarian India, the US leadership aligned with global hindutva leading a business friendly government in India has done everything to kill Indian retailers.
Gautama Buddha changed the world with his revolution for equality, social justice and peace.
How should we be proud of the supreme war lord who has been destroying in us and the world in general?
How do we insult Gautama Buddha and Dr BR Ambedkar?
पलाश विश्वास। लेखक वरिष्ठ पत्रकार, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता एवं आंदोलनकर्मी हैं । आजीवन संघर्षरत रहना और दुर्बलतम की आवाज बनना ही पलाश विश्वास का परिचय है। हिंदी में पत्रकारिता करते हैं, अंग्रेजी के लोकप्रिय ब्लॉगर हैं। “अमेरिका से सावधान “उपन्यास के लेखक। अमर उजाला समेत कई अखबारों से होते हुए अब जनसत्ता कोलकाता में ठिकाना। पलाश जी हस्तक्षेप के सम्मानित स्तंभकार हैं।
