It should not surprise anyone. The hatred for Muslims and Tribals is ingrained in the Hindutva cadres. This poison is infused in their brains during boudhik shivirs (intellectual camps) regularly held by the Hindutva gang. Their pujiya (worshipable) guru of hate, in fact, wrote a chapter titled INTERNAL THREAT (chapter xvi, Bunch of Thoughts, pages 177-195) in which Muslims are declared to be enemy number 1. Such criminal writings play major role in turning RSS cadres into barbarians. If this criminal was there at Kathua we can imagine what he would have been doing. With such criminals around no internal/external enemy is required to destroy our democratic-secular India, the Hindutva zealots will accomplish the task.
The nation has not forgotten how Muslim, Sikh and Christian women were raped in 1984 (massacre of Sikhs), 1991-93 (demolition of mosque at Ayodhya campaign), 2002 (Gujarat carnage) and 2008 (Kandhmal carnage). Minority women became soft target of the criminals led by communal hatred.
Not only rapes, it has been an old practice of Hindutva practitioners to celebrate the killing of opponents as 'vadh'. They did it after the killings of Narender Dhabolkar, Govind Pansare and Professor MM Kalburgi. In fact, they did the same after the killing of Gandhiji by 'Hindu nationalists'. This debased practice was brought to notice by the first Home Minister of India, Sardar Patel. Sardar in a letter dated 11 September 1948 to the then boss of RSS, Golwalkar wrote: "The RSS men expressed joy and distributed sweets after Gandhiji’s death."
If someone believes that these celebrations took place without the knowledge of RSS/BJP top leadership, you are grossly mistaken. A prominent Hindutva organization,
Shockingly, from the same dais in this convention from where Modi's felicitation message was read, one of the prominent speakers, K.V. Sitaramiah, declared that Gandhi
was 'terrible, wicked and most sinful'. Rejoicing the killing of M.K. Gandhi, he went on to declare, “As Bhagwan Shri Krishna said in the Gita, Paritranaya Sadhunam Vinashaya Cha Dushkritam/ Dharamasansthapnaya Sambhavami Yuge-Yuge (For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness, I am born in every age) On…30th January 1948 evening, Shriram came in the form of Nathuram Godse and ended the life of Gandhi.”
K.V. Sitaramiah has also authored a book titled 'Gandhi was Dharma Drohi and Desa Drohi' in which the text at the back cover, quoting from the epic Mahabharata, demands 'Dharma Drohis must be killed' and "Not killing the deserved to be killed is great sin". He goes to, the extent of warning members of Indian Parliament that "where the members of Parliament seeing clearly allow to kill Dharma and truth as untruth, those members will be called dead".
Shamsul Islam
April 16, 2018