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Timely detection and treatment of osteoarthritis increases quality of life in elderly – Experts

·         The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that 80 percent of osteoarthritis patients have limitations in movement, and 25 percent are unable to perform routine activities.

·         Reduced mobility not just causes diseases like diabetes, hypertension, usually linked with low physical activity and obesity, delaying treatment for the knee further damages spine.

World Arthritis Day 12th October

New Delhi , 11th October 2018- Osteoarthritis is most common form of knee arthritis that is a bone degeneration disorder which leads to joint pain and stiffness in old age. Knee related problems such as arthritis and other bone generation disorder are considered one of the most common symptoms of aging.. Sadly, it is even considered normal for elderly people to be restricted in their movements after a certain age, mostly post 60-65.

क्या है रूमटाईड आर्थराइटिस, क्या हैं लक्षण व उपचार

A disturbing knee can be caused by various reasons, accumulating over a lifetime and hitting when daily activity goes down, as well as social interactions and activities to stay fit. Staying fit even at an old age is an extremely beneficial way of avoiding bones and joint related problems, hampering ability to move and walk.

Dr. L. Tomar, Director, Orthopedics and Joint Replacement at Max Super Specialty Hospital says, "Due to lack of awareness around treatment options for knees is further worsening the situation, People instead of dealing with knee and joint problem seriously people prefer to go for quick fixes like analgesics or some pain relieving balms. Such temporary solutions not just further worsen the bone and joint conditions, but also damage liver and kidney."

जानिये (आर्थराइटिस) गठिया रोग में क्‍या खाएं 

It is commonly observed that people delay their knee surgery till the last stage without knowing that it is actually deteriorating

their spine further. Walking with deformed painful knee joints may damage the spine to irreparable stage. This is why experts stress upon getting knees treated timely.

Delay in treatment of knees complicates the medical condition also because of the measures usually taken to address them. Like prolong use of analgesics- that may lead to altogether second line of complications, including kidney malfunctions and intestinal bleeding etc, thereby further worsening the condition for elderly people.

Dr. Tomar says

" People in India usually choose to live a restricted life after getting knee related problems. Reduced mobility not just causes diseases like diabetes, hypertension, usually linked with low physical activity and obesity, but postponing the right treatment for the knee further worsens the condition as it may lead to serious problems in the spine,".

आज है विश्व अर्थराइटिस दिवस, जानिए क्या है गठिया और क्या हैं इसके लक्षण व उपचार

It is to note that while a healthy lifestyle could altogether prevent, delay or at least slow down the bone degeneration process, a timely medical intervention can help people lead a healthier and productive life.

With minimally invasive knee replacement surgery, elderly people can reverse their life by feeling more active and being able to operate and move normally like at their younger age. A bad knee by restricting movement also adds to lack of social interactions as you cannot walk to social gatherings, climb stairs to get to the kid’s playground or to go to the market.

Elderly people who have knee joint pain or arthritis are sometimes unfortunately considered as an added burden since they cannot do things on their own. Timely diagnosis and effort to mend the bad knee or bone will help them live a fulfilling life where they can add years to their ability to stay fit, be active and contribute to the society.

ओस्टियोआर्थराइटिस के समय रहते पता लगने और उपचार से बुजुर्गों के जीवन की गुणवत्ता बढ़ती है

Dr. Tomar says,

”with minimally invasive technology, the knee replacement has become far more effective as compared to conventional methods. In fact with this technology even old people like those of eighty years or even more could safely undergo knee replacement, that too with assurance of almost absolute normal locomotive recovery”.

Minimally invasive knee replacement surgeries also reduces blood loss, hospital stay and recovery time. It also increases longevity of the implanted joints and enhances knee movements and brings added safety and accuracy to the entire surgical procedure.

हमारा यूट्यूब चैनल सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।
