
CPI demanded the foolproof Security and safety of Kanhaiya Kumar, President, JNUSU
New Delhi. Following letter has been handed over to police commissioner of Delhi personally today by Dhirendra sharma, Secretary, Prof.Dinesh Varshney, Assistatnt Secretary, CPI Delhi State Council.

To, Date-29-03-2016

The Police commissioner

Delhi Police, PHQ

I.P.State New Delhi-110002

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your notice that Mr. Amit Jani who claims to be the President of the Uttar Pradesh Navnirman Sena has threaten Kanhaiya Kumar, President JNUSU and Umar Khalid of JNU to leave the Delhi by March 31st 2016, failing which he would get them “ Gunned down by his volunteers. He furthered his warning yesterday on his facebook profile that ,”There are just four days left in the ultimatum of leaving Delhi. Boys are ready and so are weapons! We will do it silently, without any information so that they do not disappear like Owaisi…I swear it on Maa Bhagwati, I would leave politics if I am unable to get them shot in JNU “.

This is to inform you that Mr. Amit Jani facebook profile shows that he presently belongs to Muzaffarnagar Sadar. We are attaching with this letter some of the photocopies of facebook upload by him for the subject above.

Your are requested to please take immediate congnegence of this threat of life to Kanhaiya Kumar, President ,JNUSU and others and arrest Mr. Amit Jani and its associates immediately with whom he wish to eliminate Kanhaiya Kumar .You are also requested to take all required necessary steps and make the foolproof Security and safety of Kanhaiya Kumar, President, JNUSU.

Dhirendra Sharma


Note:- Some facebook upload of Amit Jani in this matter is attached with this letter

