
'Billions to spend on the War on Terror' , but why no War on the Poverty and Unemployment? Article by Nandita Haksar in "The Citizen"
"Millions are being spent by India in the so called 'War on the Terror' where only few hundreds have died and despotic laws like AFSPA, TADA,POTA and now UAPA have been enacted from time to time in this regard.

Day in and Day out politicians, whether ruling or in opposition, shout for the need to fight 'Terror' which still is invisible and not defined, as argued by Nandita in the article "Billions are spent on the War on Terror, but who is the Terrorist?" published in "The Citizen". . More than three lakh farmers have committed suicides as they and their families face starvation . But these deaths do not stir the conscience of our politicians who do not deem it necessary  to make a declaration of  'war on Poverty and Unemployment', and no law to punish the criminals, who being in power, can prevent such deaths by proper policies and planning whereby farmers in distress can be assured that they need not commit suicides as the State and society is there to take care of their plight."

Below is the link:

N.D.Pancholi, The Indian Renaissance Institute
