Fascism is the only Highway of reforms meant Ethnic Cleansing! We afford not SURVIVAL KIT as we opted for FASCISM!
Irrespective of civic and human rights, SARKAR all set for the Kill. Exodus of Humanity is the NET PROFIT of subordination to the Zionist Global Order aligned with Fascist forces around the world as free flow of Capital is dependent of Jihad factor! INDIA is on FIRE!
Those who play with the Globe, they race against time faster than some bolt to annihilate Nature, Humanity and Civilization. Because Fascism is the best tool inserted in the system to launch relaunch every campaign, every ASHWAMEDH to finish humanity!
The changing face of Europe: EU facing migrant crisis as millions of refugees are on the move, displaced by conflict, poverty and persecution and seeking safety across Europe, escaping dire conditions and misery across conflict zones in Africa and Middle East. The United Nations' refugee agency, UNHCR, estimates that more than 366,000 refugees and migrants have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe in 2015 alone.
Whose fault is this?
The so much so hyped American democracy inserted in the oilfields in Arab and Africa has been set on fire. The European community the original generator of EXODUS, the original HOME of fascism is inflicted with the FIRE! Europe is the best part of the developed World where agrarian communities have been wiped out since industrialisation.
Now, we Indians burnt with the fire of identity clash within since the birth of divided nations across the borders. We live in a land of continuous holocaust, continuous bloodbath, and continuous refugee influx.
We have more refugees within.
More than the refugees crossed the borders since 1947.
We have been replacing and displacing and ejecting humanity since 1947 all on the