Amit Shah, DIG Banzara and several others, who had been in jail in Isharat Jahan fake encounter case have been set free from the case after Narendra Modi came to power.
Similarly, Pragya Thakur, who was in jail in the Malegaon terror attack case and Aseemanand, who was in jail in the terror attack on Samjhauta Expres, have been discharged from the case. They have been declared innocent by the present government and they are only a few out of a large number of such beneficiaries.
Let us assume for a while that Modi government acted fairly and set them free because they were innocent and falsely implicated in the cases and understand the implication of this fact for ourselves, i.e. the people of India. It simply means that our Investigating Agencies are like dogs faithful and committed to their master of the day and eveready to pounce on and maul ANYBODY at the command of their master. They mauled the innocent persons under the UPA government and put them behind the bar at their then master's command and have now set them free by declaring them innocent before the court at the command of their present master This being the character of the police and investigating agencies, can anyone feel safe?
Can we be sure that Amit Shah, Banzara Pragya Thakur and Assemanand are really innocent or are innocent like Md. Shahabuddin of Siwan, who continued to commit heinous crimes for years till Nitish Kumar came to power ?
Can we be sure that the people who are being charged with terrorism or Maoist violence are really guilty or victims of the wrath of the present masters of the police and investigating agencies (IA for brevity ) or of the police and IA's zulm/atrocity? And can a country
A society which so gleefully accepts injustice as away if life is morally sick, more so when it so glibly speaks of morality and high principles. We, as a people, are like a mentally sick person who does not realise that he is sick and refuses to take treatment. The, remedy lies in raising our voices in unison to free the police and IAS of the control of the government and place them under an independent and impartial agency committed to deliver justice and rule out injustice to anyone. *But shall we wake up ?
Such a system exists in the western democracies, where even a President or P.M. may not escape the consequences of being on the wrong side of the law.